Day 15: Climbing Mt. Lemmon

March 17, 2021 Mile: 178.8 Did I mention it’s been cold? Yeah, last night was the coldest. There was literally frost all over the inside of my tent and on my quilt this morning. I wish I’d taken some pictures but it was just too cold. I think it was like 9 degrees where weContinue reading “Day 15: Climbing Mt. Lemmon”

Day 111: The Decision to Go Home

August 21, 2018 Lyman Lake to Holden Village, then on to Leavenworth. I didn’t sleep well last night. Both of my legs were spasming and in severe pain all night long, waking me often as I fought for a comfortable position. 4:30am couldn’t come fast enough, and when my alarm went off I gladly deflatedContinue reading “Day 111: The Decision to Go Home”

Day 110: Hiking to Lyman Lake

August 20, 2018 2529.3-2553.1 to Cloudy Pass Trail Junction, then 2 miles to Lyman Lake This is the second day I’ve woken up to find a little mouse turd on my stuff. Yesterday it was on my shoe, today it was on the snack pouch of my pack. It’s as if they’re saying “piss off,Continue reading “Day 110: Hiking to Lyman Lake”

Day 106: Back on the PCT!

August 16, 2018 2464.7-2473.8 Got back on the PCT today. I’m not even sure how much the day count matters now. Last night I lay awake having a mild panic attack. Should I be doing this? Is it worth all the hassle of getting back on the trail if I’m just gonna end up getting offContinue reading “Day 106: Back on the PCT!”

Day 102: The Tahoe Rim Trail

July 1, 2018 1105.7-1129.7 I was up at 4:45am, went to fetch my food bag from the tree I’d hung it in the night before, and set up my camera to do a time-lapse recording of the sun rising against my tent and me packing up to hike. Even though I added a new chocolateContinue reading “Day 102: The Tahoe Rim Trail”

Day 96: 1000 Miles!

June 25, 2018 989-1006 It’s amazing how differently some people see their circumstances. Couch Potato looked at the fact that he was coming up on being on the PCT for 100 days and was incredibly discouraged by his lack of progress. River looked at her same situation a few days ago and found a renewedContinue reading “Day 96: 1000 Miles!”

Day 81: Vermillion Valley Resort

June 10, 2018 866.5-878.7 So cold. So very, very cold. One our way down the mountain we were walking gingerly to avoid slipping on the ice-covered rocks and roots. At one point, I put my foot down on a large, steep rock and just as I was thinking, “This is probably slippery-” my foot flewContinue reading “Day 81: Vermillion Valley Resort”

Day 78: The Second Time I Owe Ghosthiker an Apology

June 7, 2018 824.7-835.8 If there was a good day to accidentally sleep in, this was it. I completely slept through my alarm twice and woke up just before 5:00am, but that was okay because we didn’t have any serious mountains to climb that day. Don’t be deceived into thinking that means a relatively flat,Continue reading “Day 78: The Second Time I Owe Ghosthiker an Apology”

Day 77: Trooper and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day…(except for the end)

June 6, 2018 813.8-824.7 In an effort to keep these entries as true to their original content as possible, I’ve cleaned up the grammar, punctuation, and overall organization or things but left in much of the profanity that may have been typed while hiking. I just want to be real with you guys, because sometimesContinue reading “Day 77: Trooper and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day…(except for the end)”

Day 75: Glenn Pass to Rae Lakes

June 4, 2018 Bullfrog Lake Trail – 802.7 The next day was rough, to say the least. When I’d read about people who successfully hiked the entire PCT and had issues along the way, never once did they consider getting off trail of their own volition. It was always an illness or an injury orContinue reading “Day 75: Glenn Pass to Rae Lakes”